I am excited to share that the 2022 World Guzheng Competition held by the Asian Art Association Singapore will be held online this fall. I am honored to be one of the three judges. The competition is open to both amateur and professional guzheng players around the world. There are multiple age groups as well. The competition allows players to choose from various music genres such as traditional, contemporary classical, pop song arrangements, original music, etc., which is different from most other guzheng competitions which only allow participants to play traditional folk music and contemporary compositions in the form of classical music. This year the competition will be held online due to Covid-19 related travel restrictions. To participate, check the information on its official website and send your videos by November 30, 2022. https://en.artassociation.asia/wgc/

我很高興與大家分享,由新加坡亞洲藝術協會舉辦的2022年世界古箏比賽將於今年秋季在線上舉行。我很榮幸成為三位評委之一。比賽對世界各地的業餘和專業古箏演奏者開放。也有多個年齡組。比賽允許選手從傳統、現代古典、流行歌曲該編、原創音樂等多種音樂類型中進行選曲,這有別於其他大多數古箏比賽只允許參賽者演奏傳統樂曲和當代古典音樂作品。由於Covid-19新冠疫情相關的旅行限制,今年的比賽將在網上舉行。要參與,請查看其官方網站上的信息並在 2022 年 11 月 30 日之前發送您的視頻。https://www.artassociation.asia/wgc/