Spring Awakens

Music by Beibei Monter & John “Fingazz” Stary

Guzheng performed by Beibei Monter

Arranged and Produced by John “Fingazz” Stary

Artwork by John “Fingazz” Stary

After going through the challenges, sorrows, and anxiety brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the spring of 2021 has finally brought us new hope and a sense of revival. The energy and various emotions that have been held in my heart for nearly a year can finally be released. Through music, performance, and film, “Spring Awakens” is ready to be presented to the world. 

Bei Bei – Spring Awakens – Official MV

With the pandemic hovering in the background, “Spring Awakens” was created as an expression of our longing for life, our hope for nature, and our firm belief in the natural law of winter changing into spring. The theme of the song is meant to inspire visions of fresh and beautiful spring flowers, with a positive and inspiring heartbeat that moves the listener into a lighter, brighter mood. On a dark morning full of clouds, the sound of “Spring Awakens” has the power to quiet a restless mind and unsettled emotions, instead uplifting the spirit and reminding the listener that with every ending comes another beginning. 

The melody played by the Guzheng, a popular Chinese stringed instrument, is highlighted by accompanying instruments, including electronic drums and a Western string orchestra. This allows the audience to feel the beauty of this renewal through the graceful dynamic of a power ballad. I created this piece with platinum producer and composer John “Fingazz” Stary in his studio in Los Angeles. After we finished creating and recording my part on the Guzheng, the song was carefully arranged and polished in post-production by Fingazz. It is now ready to be presented to everyone. My hope is that the audience will feel the power of an infinite spring and the praise of life therein.

在历经了2020年新冠疫情对我们带来的种种考验,忧伤和不安后,终于2021年的春天带给了我们新的希望和复苏的气象。在我心中憋了将近一年的能量和种种情绪,终于可以通过音乐、表演和影相来得以释放和呈现。《Spring Awakens》(春醒了)就是在这样的背景之中创作而成。它表达了我们对生命的渴望,对自然的希望,和对冬去春来这一自然规律的坚信不疑。它是充满着清新美丽的春暖花开,又是怀有积极向上和激励人心的荡气回肠。古筝演奏的旋律在电子鼓、西洋弦乐队等伴奏乐器的衬托下凸显出来, 让听众感受到这万象更新的优美和动感。我与金牌制作人Fingazz在洛杉矶的工作室现场一起创作出这首乐曲,再经过后期制作的精心编配和打磨,呈现给大家。愿听众和观众们能够感受到这无限的春意和对生命的歌颂。
