Bei Bei Guzheng Workshop
Upcoming workshop dates: TBA Please email us if you wish to receive notifications regarding upcoming workshops.
Join world-renowned guzheng virtuoso/composer Bei Bei in a two day workshop sure to improve your ability to express yourself in music and performance. Learn how to achieve a state of relaxation while playing and maximize stage-performance ability as well as how to improvise and compose music. In addition to instructions on technique, three compositions in different styles (Classical, R&B and Jazz) will be taught. Each student will also have individual practice time with a room provided for you. This two-day workshop will conclude with a jam session/concert with a band.
Bei Bei “燃創我音”古箏工作坊
“技巧、创新、呈现” 是 Bei Bei 古筝“燃创我音”工作坊的主题。
在为期两天的工作坊中,参与者将学习和实践即兴演奏和作曲,并且学习如何提高个人的音乐表达能力和舞台的感染力。工作坊将安排学员个人练习的时间,也会提供一个乐队在现场与大家一起即兴演奏和表演。“人和万物一样,都有自己的亮度。即便是再平凡的个体,也有燃起来的可能。” Bei Bei 古筝工作坊将帮助你激起心中那团创意之火,
“燃创我音”工作坊将引导你发挥你的亮度 ,用音乐表达你独有的人生体验。